It's not just to do with copyright AFAIK, @PancakePocket, @Difference...
If you submit something to Newgrounds, it automatically lists you as the author, i.e. the one who composed the song in the first place, or remixed it. If you had a way to cite the original composer, great, but you'd truly be considered an author if you actually made your own song or your own version of someone else's song.
Therein lies the problem. You can't really be an author of a song if all you're doing is taking it and mashing it up with another song you didn't compose. It's not just a matter of copyright, it's also a matter of principle.
Mixes are not allowed, you can find more info here -
Even if they are free songs, and I put in a tracklist? It seems like they are talking about copyright issues, but a lot of the stuff I used is free and/or released free by the producer and/or label that released it. Thanks though